Annual General Meeting


30 January 2018








Annual General Meeting Minutes                                                                       30 January 2018

Table of Contents

1          Declaration of Opening / Acknowledgement of Country. 3

2          Apologies / Members on Leave of Absence. 4

3          Reports. 5

3.1             2016/2017 Annual Report (including Financial Report 2016/2017) 5

4          General Business. 6

4.1             Marie Slyth – West perth. 6

4.2             Alf Parolo - cleaver street 6

5          Closure. 7



Annual General Meeting Minutes                                                                       30 January 2018

MINUTES OF City of Vincent
Annual General Meeting
Administration and Civic Centre
244 Vincent Street, Leederville

Tuesday, 30 January 2018 AT 6pm


PRESENT:                 Mayor Emma Cole                                      Presiding Member

                                 Cr Susan Gontaszewski (Deputy Mayor)     South Ward

                                 Cr Alex Castle                                             North Ward

                                 Cr Joanne Fotakis                                      North Ward

                                 Cr Jonathan Hallett                                     South Ward

                                 Cr Dan Loden                                             North Ward

                                 Cr Jimmy Murphy                                       South Ward

                                 Cr Joshua Topelberg                                  South Ward


IN ATTENDANCE:      Len Kosova                                                CEO

                                 John Corbellini                                          Director Development Services

                                 Michael Quirk                                             Director Community Engagement

                                 Andrew Murphy                                          Director Engineering

                                 John Paton                                                 Director Corporate Services

                                 Tim Evans                                                  Manager Governance and Risk

                                 Emma Simmons                                        Governance and Council Support Officer

Media:                       Julian Wright                                              Journalist – “The Guardian Express”

Electors:                   Alf Parolo                                                   West Perth

                                 Marie Slyth                                                 West Perth

                                 Jennifer Hopwood                                      Leederville

                                 M Rosario                                                   North Perth                                            

1            Declaration of Opening / Acknowledgement of Country

The Presiding Member, Mayor Emma Cole declared the meeting open at 6pm and read the following Acknowledgement of Country statement:


“The City of Vincent would like to acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land, the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging”.


The Presiding Member, Mayor Emma Cole provided the following introduction to the meeting:


“Good evening everyone and welcome to our Annual General Meeting of Electors.


The purpose of this meeting is twofold – firstly, to receive the City’s 2016/17 Annual Report and secondly, to provide electors with an opportunity to raise any general business or motions relating to the City of Vincent.


To speak or vote at this meeting you must be an elector of the City of Vincent. If you are not an elector then you are welcome to remain in the Chamber as an observer to the proceedings.


Every elector present has one vote on each matter to be decided at the meeting, but voting is not compulsory.


All decisions at this meeting are to be made by a simple majority, meaning more than 50% of the votes in favour of the motion. The mover and seconder for all decisions will be recorded in the minutes of meeting, with votes being recorded as simply ‘Carried’ or ‘Lost’ based on a show of hands.  


The procedures for tonight’s meeting have been outlined on page 4 of the agenda papers, which are available online and have also been placed around the Council Chamber.



Speakers at tonight’s meeting will need to come forward to the microphone and please state their name and address. When addressing the meeting they should do so through me, the Presiding Member. All speakers are asked to keep their questions and comments respectful and relevant to the business of the City of Vincent. If you wish to move a motion at tonight’s meeting, then I would ask that you please submit it in writing. Motions will need to be seconded by another elector before they can be debated. A form to submit your Motion was available online and copies are also available here at the meeting tonight.


Please note that decisions made at tonight’s meeting are not binding on Council. Rather, Council will consider tonight’s decisions at its next practicable meeting. Depending on the number and nature of motions this evening, this will be at either the Council Meeting next week, or the March Council Meeting.


This was the year that we launched “Imagine Vincent” campaign this was the largest community engagement initiative in Vincent’s history and we are now using all of the ideas and feedback from our community to shape our Strategic Community Plan.


We also invited, for the first time, our community to better engage with our annual budget process by calling for community budget submissions from residents and ratepayers which has been a really successful initiative and resulted in $1million of new, community-driven initiatives being supported by Council.


We commenced live streaming of Council Briefings and Council Meetings and we continued to expand the information published to the City’s transparency web portal, and we appointed two highly qualified,  independent community members to our Audit Committee, an initiative which has been incredibly well received.


We continued to focus on Pedestrian safety and the walkability of our neighbourhoods remained a top priority, with a number of upgrades made to pedestrian crossings and intersections and we continue to work on phase two of the City’s Bike Boulevard and very proudly we launched our very first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).  


We continued to fund festivals and events throughout Vincent and some of those that were particularly new and different were the Leedy Open Streets where we closed Oxford and Newcastle Streets to cars in Leederville and we also held our first "play street" initiative in Rae Street, Leederville.


Another leap forward was the streamlining of our planning policies - 19 policies were brought together into a single, simpler local planning policy for people looking to develop within the City. This has had a big impact on landscaping requirements and rear setbacks in particular.


We have continued to work towards addressing the challenge of improving the City’s ageing assets and to develop a 10 year financial plan and I also think that we should mention the significant upgrade to Charles Veryard Reserve clubrooms and the oval lighting, improvements to our websites and the fact that we became a Platinum Waterwise Council.


I also think that it is important to pay tribute to the former Mayor John Carey who served for the majority of this period as Mayor, until 30 January 2017 and to mention former Council Member Laine McDonald who served during this period. We also welcomed new Council Member Jonathan Hallett.”


2            Apologies / Members on Leave of Absence

Cr Roslyn Harley (Apology)                                                        



3            Reports

3.1          2016/2017 Annual Report (including Financial Report 2016/2017)

TRIM Ref:                  D18/11857

Author:                      Tim Evans, Manager Governance and Risk

Authoriser:                Len Kosova, Chief Executive Officer

Attachments:             1.       Annual Report 2016/2017   


That the City of Vincent’s 2016/2017 Annual Report be presented to the Annual General Meeting of Electors for discussion.


Item 3.1

Presiding Member Mayor Emma Cole called for an Elector to move and second the motion. In the absence of a mover or seconder from the public gallery, Presiding Member Mayor Emma Cole called for a Council Member (as an elector) to move and second the motion.


Moved: Cr Loden, Seconded: Cr Murphy

That the City of Vincent’s 2016/2017 Annual Report be PRESENTED for discussion.


Presiding Member Mayor Emma Cole called for questions or comments in relation to the motion.

No questions or comments were received.




4            General Business

4.1          Marie Slyth – West perth

Attachments:             1.       Email from Marie Slyth to Minister David Templeman, Minister for Heritage    


Ms Slyth submitted the following motion and tabled Attachment 1:

Moved: Ms Slyth, Seconded: Cr Loden

That Council look at supporting a nomination to the State Government Minister for Heritage, to make the Cleaver Precinct a Heritage Precinct. This will assist Council in keeping our historic street.


In accordance with section 5.33 of the Local Government Act 1995, this motion will be considered by Council at the next practical Ordinary Council Meeting.


Ms Slyth made the following statements:

·         Noted an increase in traffic volume in Carr Street and Florence Street since the Charles Street bus lane was added.

·         Raised concern regarding a potential further increase in traffic volume if a proposed development at 14 and 16 Cleaver Street is approved.

·         Advised of an abandoned vehicle in Strathcona Street and stated that it had been there for 2 weeks.  

·         Stated that a verge street tree between 91 Carr Street and 93 Carr Street is overgrown and requires cutting back.

·         Stated that there are no rights for our history and heritage. 


4.2          Alf Parolo – west perth

Alf Parolo made the following statements:

·         Welcomed new Council Members and the Director Engineering.

·         Raised concern regarding parking and noise issues relating to the Rosewood Aged Care development.

·         Noted that there are two separate developments in Florence Street and Janet Street and sought Councils support to listen to the concerns of residents. 



5            Closure

There being no further business, the Presiding Member, Mayor Emma Cole, declared the meeting closed at 6.25pm with the following persons present:


PRESENT:                 Mayor Emma Cole                                      Presiding Member

                                 Cr Susan Gontaszewski (Deputy Mayor)     South Ward

                                 Cr Alex Castle                                             North Ward

                                 Cr Joanne Fotakis                                      North Ward

                                 Cr Jonathan Hallett                                     South Ward

                                 Cr Dan Loden                                             North Ward

                                 Cr Jimmy Murphy                                       South Ward

                                 Cr Joshua Topelberg                                  South Ward


IN ATTENDANCE:      Len Kosova                                                CEO

                                 John Corbellini                                          Director Development Services

                                 Michael Quirk                                             Director Community Engagement

                                 Andrew Murphy                                          Director Engineering

                                 John Paton                                                 Director Corporate Services

                                 Tim Evans                                                  Manager Governance and Risk

                                 Emma Simmons                                        Governance and Council Support Officer

Media:                       Julian Wright                                              Journalist – “The Guardian Express”

Electors:                   Alf Parolo                                                   West Perth

                                 Marie Slyth                                                 West Perth

                                 Jennifer Hopwood                                      Leederville                                   

                                 M Rosario                                                   North Perth                                  


These Minutes are confirmed by the Council as a true and accurate record of the Annual General Meeting of Electors held on 30 January 2018.




Signed: ............................................................................ Mayor Emma Cole




Dated this ………………………………… day of …………………………………………………2018