Ordinary Council Meeting


24 July 2018








Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes                                                                         24 July 2018

Table of Contents

1          Declaration of Opening / Acknowledgement of Country. 5

2          Apologies / Members on Leave of Absence. 5

3          (A) Public Question Time and Receiving of Public Statements. 5

(B) Response to Previous Public Questions Taken On Notice. 7

4          Applications for Leave of Absence. 7

5          The Receiving of Petitions, Deputations and Presentations. 7

6          Confirmation of Minutes. 7

7          Announcements by the Presiding Member (Without Disussion) 8

7.1             Strategic Community Plan. 8

7.2             National Tree Day. 8

8          Declarations of Interest 8

Reports. 9

Items Approved "En Bloc": 9

9.2             No. 12 - 16 Cleaver Street, West Perth - Proposed Change of Use from Warehouse Storage/Office to Reception Centre/Exhibition Centre/Office/Warehouse Storage. 10

9.5             Nos. 340 & 342 (Lot: 1; D/P: 9897) Newcastle Street, Perth - Alterations and Additions to Unlisted Use (Lodging House) 12

9.7             No. 7/565-567 (Lot: 7; STR: 21608) Beaufort Street, Mount Lawley - S.31 Reconsideration - Amendment to Conditions of Approval - Change of Use from Office to Recreational Facility and Office. 14

9.9             No. 2 (Lot: 500; D/P: 66716) Edward Street, Perth - Proposed Third Party Signage to Mixed Use Development 17

9.10           North Perth Town Centre Parking Restrictions - Results of Community Consultation. 18

10.1           Tender No. 548/18 - Tree Watering and Tree Planting Services. 19

10.2           Tender No. 549/18 - Removal of Trees and Pruning of Trees within Parks and Reserves. 20

10.4           Tender No. 553/18 Supply and Laying of Kerbing. 21

11.1           Adoption of Long Term Financial Plan for the Period 2017/18 - 2026/27. 22

11.2           Authorisation of Expenditure for the Period 1 June 2018 to  25 June 2018. 23

11.3           Investment Report as at 30 June 2018. 24

11.4           Provisional Financial Statements as at 30 June 2018. 25

13.2           Information Bulletin. 26

9          Development Services. 27

9.1             No. 2/18 (Lot: 2; STR: 42377) Robinson Avenue, Perth Proposed Change of Use from Residential to Unlisted Use (Short Term Dwelling) 27

9.8             Nos. 1-16/17 (Lots: 1-16; STR: 598813) Harwood Place, West Perth - S.31 Reconsideration of Conditions - Change of Use from Multiple Dwellings to Serviced Apartments. 30

13        Chief Executive Officer 36

13.1           Approval to Advertise Draft Strategic Community Plan 2018 - 2028. 36

9          Development Services. 37

9.3             No. 462 (Lot 2; D/P: 3824) Beaufort Street (corner of Broome Street) Highgate - Proposed Amendment to Condition of Approval - Signage and Paid Car Park to Shop. 37

9.4             No. 47 (Lot: 502; D/P: 50409) Jugan Street, Mount Hawthorn - Proposed Five Grouped Dwellings  40

9.6             No. 440 (Lot: 12-15; STR: 60424) William Street, Perth - Change of Use from Office to Educational Establishment 43

9.11           LATE REPORT: Submission on Modernising WA's Planning System - Planning Reform Green Paper 46

10        Engineering. 47

10.3           Tender No. 551/18 - Maintenance of Bores, Pumps and Associated Works. 47

10.5           Tender No. 552/18 Traffic Management Services. 48

12        Community Engagement 49

12.1           LATE REPORT: Notice of Motion - CR Susan Gontaszewski – Strategies to Improve Participation and Accessibility by Women and Girls at City of Vincent Sportsgrounds and associated facilities  49

14        Motions of Which Previous Notice Has Been Given. 52

14.1           Notice of Motion - Mayor Emma Cole - Request to Investigate Options to Reinstate the Requirement to Obtain Development Approval for Demolition. 52

15        Questions by Members of Which Due Notice Has Been Given (Without Discussion) 53

16        Representation on Committees and Public Bodies. 53

17        Urgent Business. 53

18        Confidential Items/Matters For Which the Meeting May be Closed. 53

10        Engineering. 54

10.5           Tender No. 552/18 Traffic Management Services. 54

19        Closure. 55



Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes                                                                         24 July 2018

MINUTES OF City of Vincent
Ordinary Council Meeting
HELD AT THE Administration and Civic Centre
244 Vincent Street, Leederville

ON Tuesday, 24 July 2018 AT 6pm


PRESENT:                 Mayor Emma Cole                                      Presiding Member

                                 Cr Susan Gontaszewski (Deputy Mayor)    South Ward

                                 Cr Alex Castle                                            North Ward

                                 Cr Joanne Fotakis                                      North Ward

                                 Cr Jonathan Hallett                                    South Ward

                                 Cr Roslyn Harley (from 6.13pm)                 North Ward

                                 Cr Dan Loden (from 6.14pm)                      North Ward

                                 Cr Jimmy Murphy                                      South Ward

                                 Cr Joshua Topelberg                                 South Ward

IN ATTENDANCE:     Len Kosova                                                Chief Executive Officer

                                 Luke Gibson                                              A/Director Development Services

                                 Andrew Murphy                                         Director Engineering

                                 Kerryn Batten                                             Director Corporate Services

                                 Michael Quirk                                             Director Community Engagement

                                 Tim Evans                                                  Manager Governance & Risk

                                 Emma Simmons                                        Governance & Council Support Officer


Media:                       Julian Wright (Journalist), “The Guardian Express” (until approximately 8.22pm)

Public:                      Approximately 22 members of the public.


1            Declaration of Opening / Acknowledgement of Country

The Presiding Member, Mayor Emma Cole declared the meeting open at 6.06pm and read the following Acknowledgement of Country statement:


“The City of Vincent would like to acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land, the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging”.

2            Apologies / Members on Leave of Absence



3            (A)         Public Question Time and Receiving of Public Statements

The following is a summary of questions and submissions received and responses provided at the meeting. This is not a verbatim record of comments made at the meeting.


1.       Jason Edwards of Perth – Item 9.1


·         Spoke in support of the recommendations.

·         Thanked the City for its support throughout his application.

The Presiding Member Mayor Emma Cole thanked Mr Edwards for his comments.


2.       Lee Ashton of Perth – Item 9.1


·            Spoke against the application.

·            Stated that the following initial requirements were not met in accordance with the City of Vincent’s Policy for Temporary Accommodation:  

-           Car parking standards were not met; and

-           Submission and approval of a planning application were not provided or given prior to the commencement of the business

·            Stated that the application was non-compliant.

The Presiding Member Mayor Emma Cole thanked Ms Ashton for her comments.


3.       Tessa Van der Laan of Leederville – Planning Application, 1 Muriel Place, Leederville


·            Spoke against proposed alterations and additions at 1 Muriel Place, Leederville

·            Stated that the proposed industrial box design is disproportionate for the size of its land and in relation to the surrounding residential homes.

·            Requested the assistance of Council to facilitate a meeting between local residents and the development applicant.

The Presiding Member Mayor Emma Cole thanked Ms Van der Laan for her comments and requested that the Acting Director Development Services provide further information in relation to the status of the application.


The Acting Director Development Services advised that the application for 1 Muriel Place, Leederville is currently live and that the consultation process concludes on Wednesday 25 July 2018. The Director Development Services further advised that Administration received similar correspondence from the speaker this afternoon and has already contacted the applicant to initiate a meeting, as requested.


4.       Belinda Moharich representing Boldform Pty Ltd – Item 9.8


·            Spoke against condition 2.1.2  

·            Stated that there is no benefit in the constant monitoring of the CCTV footage and requested that the recommendation be amended to remove the requirement of proposed condition 2.1.2.

At 6:13 pm, Cr Roslyn Harley arrived at the meeting.


At 6:14 pm, Cr Dan Loden arrived at the meeting.


The Presiding Member Mayor Emma Cole thanked Ms Moharich for her comments.


5.       Ben Barron of West Perth – Item 9.8


·         Spoke in support of the conditions applied to the proposed planning approval

The Presiding Member Mayor Emma Cole thanked Mr Barron for his comments.


6.       Dudley Maier of Highgate – Item 13.1


·            Stated that his submission to the Imagine Vincent Campaign was not listed in the summary of submissions on the City’s website.

·            Expressed his disappointment with the quality of the Draft Strategic Community Plan.

The Presiding Member Mayor Emma Cole thanked Mr Maier for his comments.


There being no further speakers, Public Question Time closed at approximately 6.21pm.




(B)         Response to Previous Public Questions Taken On Notice



4            Applications for Leave of Absence


4.1          Cr Jonathan Hallett requested a leave of absence from 25 July 2018 to 28 July 2018 inclusive for personal reasons and from 22 August 2018 to 25 August 2018 inclusive for work commitments.


Council Decision

Moved: Cr Harley, Seconded: Cr Loden

That Cr Jonathan Hallett’s request for leave of absence be approved.

Carried Unanimously (9-0)

For:             Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Fotakis, Cr Hallett, Cr Harley, Cr Loden, Cr Murphy and Cr Topelberg

Against:      Nil



5            The Receiving of Petitions, Deputations and Presentations



6            Confirmation of Minutes

Council Decision

Moved: Cr Hallett, Seconded: Cr Murphy

That the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 26 June 2018 be confirmed.


carried Unanimously (9-0)

For:             Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Fotakis, Cr Hallett, Cr Harley, Cr Loden, Cr Murphy and Cr Topelberg

Against:      Nil




7            Announcements by the Presiding Member (Without Disussion)

The Presiding Member, Mayor Emma Cole made the following announcement:

7.1          Strategic Community Plan

I am very excited to see the Strategic Community Plan on the agenda this evening. It was the result of three months of very deep diving into community engagement with our community. We do believe that this was the widest, broadest and deepest community engagement that the City of Vincent has undertaken and we believe that we have arrived at a document that we can say has been created by our community. The objective tonight is to release this for community consultation.


I think that one of the things that we did do quite differently this time is to engage a randomly selected and independent community panel. One of our favourite things in the Draft Strategic Community Plan (SCP) is the ‘Vision’ that our panel arrived at completely independently from Council by taking the feedback received from the community “In 2028, the City of Vincent is a leafy and vibrant 24 hour city which is synonymous with quality design and sustainability. Its diverse population is supported in their innovative endeavours by a council that says YES!” So we are prepared to embrace that and rise to the challenge.


While there will be further debate on the SCP later in the meeting I think that we can say that in the language, content and the intent of the SCP we have tried to be incredibly true to what was presented to us by our community members.


7.2          National Tree Day

On Sunday we are celebrating National Tree Day. We would like to invite all community members to join us at Les Lilleyman Reserve where we plan on planting 8,000 native tube stock species to transform an unused area of the reserve.


Please join us on Sunday from 8am at Les Lilleyman Reserve (near the clubrooms) where we will have a sausage sizzle. I encourage you to bring a trowel.


8            Declarations of Interest

8.1          Cr. Joanne Fotakis disclosed an impartiality interest in Item 9.8 – No. 1-16/17 (Lots: 1-16; STR: 598813 Harwood Place, West Perth – S.31 Reconsideration of Conditions – Change of Use from Multiple Dwellings to Serviced Apartments. The extent of interest is that she was employed by a real estate firm owned by the owner of the property between 1997 and 2003.



The Presiding Member, Mayor Emma Cole, advised the meeting of:

(a)           Items which are the subject of a question, comment or deputation from Members of the Public, being:

Items 9.1, 9.8 & 13.1.

(b)          Items which require an Absolute Majority decision which have not already been the subject of a public question/comment, being:


(c)           Items which Council Members/Officers have declared a financial or proximity interest, being:


The Presiding Member, Mayor Emma Cole, requested Council Members to indicate:

(d)          Items which Council Members wish to discuss which have not already been the subject of a public question/comment or require an absolute majority decision and the following was advised:



Presiding Member Mayor Cole

9.11 & 14.1

Cr Gontaszewski

9.3, 9.4, 10.5 &12.1

Cr Loden

9.6 & 10.3


The Presiding Member, Mayor Emma Cole therefore requested the Chief Executive Officer, Len Kosova to advise the meeting of:

(e)           Unopposed items which will be moved “En Bloc”, being:

Items 9.2, 9.5, 9.7, 9.9, 9.10, 10.1, 10.2, 10.4, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4 and 13.2

(f)           Confidential Reports which will be considered behind closed doors, being:



Items Approved "En Bloc":

The following Items were adopted unopposed and without discussion “En Bloc”, as recommended:

Council Decision

Moved: Cr Harley, Seconded: Cr Loden

That the following unopposed items be adopted “En Bloc”, as recommended:

Items 9.2, 9.5, 9.7, 9.9, 9.10, 10.1, 10.2, 10.4, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4 and 13.2

carried Unanimously (9-0)

For:             Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Fotakis, Cr Hallett, Cr Harley, Cr Loden, Cr Murphy and Cr Topelberg

Against:      Nil




9.2          No. 12 - 16 Cleaver Street, West Perth - Proposed Change of Use from Warehouse Storage/Office to Reception Centre/Exhibition Centre/Office/Warehouse Storage

TRIM Ref:                  D18/82892

Author:                     Stephanie Norgaard, Urban Planner

Authoriser:                Luke Gibson, A/Director Development Services

Ward:                        South

Attachments:             1.       Attachment 1 - Location and Consultation Map  

2.       Attachment 2 - Development Plans  

3.       Attachment 3 - Development Application Report  

4.       Attachment 4 - Car Parking Management Plan  

5.       Attachment 5 - Summary of Submissions  

6.       Attachment 6 - Applicant's Response to Summary of Submissions  

7.       Attachment 7 - Determination Advice Notes   



That Council, in accordance with the provisions of the City of Vincent Local Planning Scheme No. 2 and the Metropolitan Region Scheme, APPROVES the application for the Change of Use from Office/Warehouse Storage to Reception Centre/Exhibition Centre/Office/Warehouse Storage at Nos. 12 – 16 (Lot: 26; D/P: 13767) Cleaver Street, West Perth, in accordance with plans provided in Attachment 2, subject to the following conditions, with the associated determination advice notes in Attachment 7:

1.       Use of Premises

1.1     The development shall be used in accordance with the definition of ‘Reception Centre’, ’Exhibition Centre,’ ‘Warehouse Storage’ and ‘Office’ as set out in the City’s Local Planning Scheme No. 2;

1.2     The number of persons attending the Reception Centre/Exhibition Centre at any one time shall be limited to 100 persons; and

1.3     The operating hours of the Reception Centre/Exhibition Centre shall be limited from 5:30pm to 12:00am (midnight) Fridays and Saturdays and 8:00am to 11:00pm Sundays;

2.       Acoustic Report

2.1     An Acoustic Report, in accordance with the City's Policy No. 7.5.21 – Sound Attenuation and to the satisfaction of the City, shall be lodged with and approved by the City prior to the commencement of the use of the development. All of the recommended measures included in the approved Acoustic Report shall be implemented as part of the development, to the satisfaction of the City prior to the commencement of the use of the development; and

2.2     Certification from an acoustic consultant shall be provided to the City that the recommended measures identified in the approved Acoustic Report have been undertaken to the City’s satisfaction, prior to occupancy or use of the development;

3.       Venue Management Plan

Prior to the commencement of the Reception Centre/Exhibition Centre use, a Venue Management Plan shall be submitted to and approved by the City. The Venue Management Plan shall detail how the development will operate, including management of patrons before and after attendance at events on the site, and shall address noise and anti-social behaviour to the satisfaction of the City. The premises shall operate in accordance with the approved Venue Management Plan;

4.       External Fixtures

All external fixtures and building plant, including air conditioning units, piping, ducting and water tanks, shall be located so as to minimise any visual and noise impact on surrounding landowners, and screened from view from the street, and where practicable from adjoining buildings; and

5.       General

Conditions that have a time limitation for compliance, and the condition is not met in the required timeframe, the obligation to comply with the requirements of the condition continues whilst the approved development exists.


Council Decision Item 9.2

Moved: Cr Harley, Seconded: Cr Loden

That the recommendation be adopted.

Carried Unanimously “En Bloc” (9-0)




9.5          Nos. 340 & 342 (Lot: 1; D/P: 9897) Newcastle Street, Perth - Alterations and Additions to Unlisted Use (Lodging House)

TRIM Ref:                  D18/85651

Author:                     Clair Morrison, Urban Planner

Authoriser:                Luke Gibson, A/Director Development Services

Ward:                        South

Attachments:             1.       Attachment 1 - Location and Consultation Plan  

2.       Attachment 2 - Development Plans  

3.       Attachment 3 - Written Statement  

4.       Attachment 4 - Management Plan  

5.       Attachment 5 - Parking Management Plan  

6.       Attachment 6 - Summary of Submissions and Administrations Response  

7.       Attachment 7 - Determination Advice Notes   



That Council, in accordance with the provisions of the City of Vincent Local Planning Scheme No. 2 and the Metropolitan Region Scheme, APPROVES the application for development approval for alterations and additions to unlisted use (lodging house) at No. 340-342 (Lot: 1; D/P: 9897) Newcastle Street, Perth, in accordance with the plans shown in Attachment 2, subject to the following conditions, with the associated determination advice notes in Attachment 7:

1.       Use of Premises

A maximum of 64 persons are permitted to reside at the premises at any one time;

2.       Car Parking and Access

Five parking bays shall be provided on-site, as depicted on the approved plan to the satisfaction of the City;

3.       Front Fence

The area of the fence, including the proposed gate, 1.0 metres above natural ground level shall provide a minimum of 50 percent visual permeability to the street;

4.       External Fixtures

All external fixtures and building plant, including air conditioning units, piping, ducting and water tanks, shall be located so as to minimise any visual and noise impact on surrounding landowners, and screened from view from the street, and surrounding properties to the satisfaction of the City;

5.       Stormwater

All stormwater produced on the subject land shall be retained on site, by suitable means to the full satisfaction of the City;

6.       Landscape and Reticulation Plan

6.1     A detailed landscape and reticulation plan for the development site shall be lodged with and approved by the City prior to commencement of the development. The plan shall be drawn to a scale of 1:100 and show the following:

·       The location and type of existing and proposed trees and plants; and

·       Areas to be irrigated or reticulated; and

6.2     All works shown in the plans as identified in Condition 6.1 above shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved plans to the City’s satisfaction, prior to the occupancy or use of the development and maintained thereafter to the satisfaction of the City at the expense of the owner; and

7.       General

Conditions that have a time limitation for compliance, and the condition is not met in the required time frame, the obligation to comply with the requirements of the condition continues whilst the approved development exists.


Council Decision Item 9.5

Moved: Cr Harley, Seconded: Cr Loden

That the recommendation be adopted.

Carried Unanimously “En Bloc” (9-0)




9.7          No. 7/565-567 (Lot: 7; STR: 21608) Beaufort Street, Mount Lawley - S.31 Reconsideration - Amendment to Conditions of Approval - Change of Use from Office to Recreational Facility and Office

TRIM Ref:                  D18/83720

Author:                     Remajee Narroo, Senior Urban Planner

Authoriser:                Luke Gibson, A/Director Development Services

Ward:                        South

Attachments:             1.       Attachment 1 - Location Plan  

2.       Attachment 2 - Applicant's Submission   



That the Council, in accordance with Section 31 of the State Administrative Tribunal Act 2004, the provisions of the City of Vincent Local Planning Scheme No. 2 and the Metropolitan Region Scheme, APPROVES the application to amend planning approval 5.2017.176.1 for Change of Use from Office to Recreational Facility and Office at No. 7/565-567 (Lot: 7; STR: 21608) Beaufort Street, Mount Lawley, granted on 12 March 2014, by deleting all conditions and replacing them with the following:

1.       Interactive Front

Doors, windows and adjacent floor areas facing Vincent Street shall maintain active and interactive relationship with this street;

2.       Use

This approval is for a Recreational Facility and Office only;

3.       Number of Patrons

The maximum number of patrons for the recreational facility at any one time shall be limited to 73 persons;

4.       Operating Time

The use of the Recreational Facility is allowed to operate twenty four (24) hours per day, seven days a week;

5.       Right of Way (ROW)

The ROW shall remain open at all times and must not be used to store any building or other material or be obstructed in any way.  The ROW surface (sealed or unsealed) shall be maintained in a trafficable condition for the duration of the works. If at the completion of the development the ROW condition has deteriorated, or become impassable as a consequence of the works the applicant/developer shall make good the surface to the full satisfaction of the City;

6.       Building Appearance

All external fixtures, such as television antennas (of a non-standard type), radio and other antennas, satellite dishes, external hot water heaters, air conditioners, and the like, shall not be visible from the street(s), are designed integrally with the building, and be located so as not to be visually obtrusive from Vincent Street, Beaufort Street and the adjoining properties;

7.       Verge Treatment

No verge trees shall be removed.  The verge trees shall be retained and protected from any damage including unauthorised pruning;


8.       PRIOR TO THE ISSUE OF A BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION, the following shall be submitted to and approved by the City:

8.1     The owner or the applicant on behalf of the owner shall provide the City with amended plans to address the following:

8.1.1  Bin Store

A bin store is to be provided to the satisfaction of the City; and

8.1.2  Bicycle Parking Facilities

10 class two bicycle facilities shall be provided on the first floor within the bike store.  Details of the design and layout of the bicycle parking facilities shall be submitted to and approved by the City prior to installation of such facility;

8.2     Acoustic Report

An Acoustic Report in accordance with the City's Policy No. 3.5.21 – Sound Attenuation shall be prepared and submitted to the City for approval.  The recommended measures of the approved Acoustic Report shall be implemented;

9.       PRIOR TO THE SUBMISSION OF AN OCCUPANCY PERMIT, the following shall be submitted to and approved by the City with regard to Condition 8.2, certification from an Acoustic Consultant that the measures have been undertaken shall be submitted to the City;

10.     Management Plan

10.1   Within 28 days of the issue of this approval, a Management Plan shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the City outlining measures that will be implemented between the hours of 9:00pm and 6:00am so as to minimise the impact of noise on surrounding residents and tenancies, including the following:

10.1.1   The requirement for all members to be advised in writing of the correct and usage of equipment, including free weights, medicine balls and kettle bells, and the consequences of breaching these requirements;

10.1.2   The requirement for all new members to be inducted into the correct behaviours and usage of equipment, including free weights, medicine balls and kettle bells, and the consequences of breaching these requirements;

10.1.3   The required method of addressing breaches of these requirements and the compliance measures that will be undertaken where breaches of these requirements are identified;

10.2   The use of the premises shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Management Plan or any Plan approved by the City thereafter and all requirements of the Management Plan shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the City; and

10.3   A review of the Management Plan shall be undertaken within six months and again within 12 months of the issue of this approval. Any changes identified as part of these reviews, or required by the City, shall be incorporated into an updated Management Plan to be submitted to the City for approval within 14 days of the date of the review. The development shall thereafter operate in accordance with the updated Management Plan.


Council Decision Item 9.7

Moved: Cr Harley, Seconded: Cr Loden

That the recommendation be adopted.

Carried Unanimously “En Bloc” (9-0)




9.9          No. 2 (Lot: 500; D/P: 66716) Edward Street, Perth - Proposed Third Party Signage to Mixed Use Development

TRIM Ref:                  D18/83678

Author:                     Fiona Atkins, Urban Planner

Authoriser:                Luke Gibson, A/Director Development Services

Ward:                        South

Attachments:             1.       Attachment 1 - Consultation and Location Map  

2.       Attachment 2 - Development Plans  

3.       Attachment 3 - Signage Strategy  

4.       Attachment 4 - CF Town Planning & Development DA Submission  

5.       Attachment 5 - Main Roads WA Referral Response  

6.       Attachment 6 - Summary of Submissions - Officer Comments   



That Council in accordance with the provisions of the City of Vincent Local Planning Scheme No. 2 and the Metropolitan Region Scheme, REFUSES the application for Third Party Billboard Signage at No. 2 (Lot: 500; D/P: 66716) Edward Street, Perth as shown in Attachment 2, for the following reasons:

1.       The proposal is contrary to the orderly and proper planning of the area for the following reasons:

1.1     the scale of the proposed signage will have a negative visual impact and detract from the amenity of the surrounding area; and

1.2     the LED signage has the potential to endanger the safety of the public using Graham Farmer Freeway; and

2.       The sign does not comply with the requirements of the City’s Policy No. 7.5.2 – Signs and Advertising, as it constitutes a Billboard advertising third party signage.


Council Decision Item 9.9

Moved: Cr Harley, Seconded: Cr Loden

That the recommendation be adopted.

Carried Unanimously “En Bloc” (9-0)



9.10        North Perth Town Centre Parking Restrictions - Results of Community Consultation

TRIM Ref:                  D18/74476

Author:                     Stephen Schreck, Strategic Planning Officer

Authoriser:                Luke Gibson, A/Director Development Services

Attachments:             1.       Attachment 1 - Property Consultation Map  

2.       Attachment 2 - Summary of Submissions  

3.       Attachment 3 - Current, Advertised and Proposed Parking Restrictions Chelmsford Road, Grosvenor Road and Leake Street  

4.       Attachment 4 - Current, Advertised and Proposed Parking Restrictions Pansy Street and Pansy Street Car Park  

5.       Attachment 5 - Current, Advertised and Proposed Parking Restrictions Vine Street   


That Council:

1.       NOTES the summary of submissions and the City’s responses to those submissions, as shown in Attachment 2; and

2.       REGULATES vehicle parking, pursuant to cl. 1.8 of the City’s Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law 2007, as follows:

2.1     On Chelmsford Road, Grosvenor Road and Leake Street, as shown in Attachment 3;

2.2     On Pansy Street and in the Pansy Street Car Park, as shown in Attachment 4; and

2.3     On Vine Street, as shown in Attachment 5.


Council Decision Item 9.10

Moved: Cr Harley, Seconded: Cr Loden

That the recommendation be adopted.

Carried Unanimously “En Bloc” (9-0)




10.1        Tender No. 548/18 - Tree Watering and Tree Planting Services

TRIM Ref:                  D18/74623

Author:                     Jeremy van den Bok, Manager Parks & Urban Green

Authoriser:                Andrew Murphy, Director Engineering

Attachments:             1.       Pricing Schedule & Evaluation - Confidential   


That Council ACCEPTS Tender No. 548/18 from Leo Heaney Pty Ltd for the provision of Tree Watering and Tree Planting Services as per the pricing schedule (Confidential Attachment 1) in the tender submission and general conditions of tendering.


Council Decision Item 10.1

Moved: Cr Harley, Seconded: Cr Loden

That the recommendation be adopted.

Carried Unanimously “En Bloc” (9-0)




10.2        Tender No. 549/18 - Removal of Trees and Pruning of Trees within Parks and Reserves

TRIM Ref:                  D18/74624

Author:                     Jeremy van den Bok, Manager Parks & Urban Green

Authoriser:                Andrew Murphy, Director Engineering

Attachments:             1.       Pricing Schedule and Evaluation - Confidential   


That Council ACCEPTS Tender No. 549/18 from Professional Tree Surgeons for the Removal of Trees and Pruning of Trees within Parks and Reserves as per the pricing schedule (Confidential Attachment 1) in the tender submission and general conditions of tendering.


Council Decision Item 10.2

Moved: Cr Harley, Seconded: Cr Loden

That the recommendation be adopted.

Carried Unanimously “En Bloc” (9-0)




10.4        Tender No. 553/18 Supply and Laying of Kerbing

TRIM Ref:                  D18/82182

Author:                     Allan Brown, Coordinator Engineering Operations

Authoriser:                Andrew Murphy, Director Engineering

Attachments:             1.       Pricing Schedule and Evaluation - Confidential   


That Council ACCEPTS Tender No. 553/18 from Kerb West Extruded Concrete Kerbing for the Supply and Laying of Kerbing as per the pricing schedule (Confidential Attachment 1) in the tender submissions and general conditions of tendering.


Council Decision Item 10.4

Moved: Cr Harley, Seconded: Cr Loden

That the recommendation be adopted.

Carried Unanimously “En Bloc” (9-0)




11.1        Adoption of Long Term Financial Plan for the Period 2017/18 - 2026/27

TRIM Ref:                  D18/100333

Author:                     Kerryn Batten, Director Corporate Services

Authoriser:                Kerryn Batten, Director Corporate Services

Attachments:             1.       DRAFT City of Vincent Long Term Financial Plan 2018 19 -2027 28  

2.       Appendix B - Forecast Statements and Supporting Schedules   


That Council:

1.       ADOPTS the Long Term Financial Plan for the period 2018/19 – 2027/28 as per Attachments 1 and 2; and

2.       AUTHORISES the Chief Executive Officer to forward the City of Vincent Long Term Financial Plan to the Department of Local Government and Communities.

3.       COMMENCES the Review of the Long Term Financial Plan in December 2018 as a pre-cursor to the 2019/20 Annual Budget Process.


Council Decision Item 11.1

Moved: Cr Harley, Seconded: Cr Loden

That the recommendation be adopted.

Carried Unanimously “En Bloc” (9-0)




11.2        Authorisation of Expenditure for the Period 1 June 2018 to
25 June 2018

TRIM Ref:                D18/93510

Author:                     Nikki Hirrill, Accounts Payable Officer

Authoriser:             Kerryn Batten, Director Corporate Services

Attachments:          1.       Payments by EFT June 18  

2.       Payments by Cheque June 18  

3.       Payments by Credit Card June 18   


That Council RECEIVES the list of accounts paid under delegated authority for the period 1 June 2018 to 25 June 2018 as detailed in attachment 1, 2 and 3 as summarised below:


Cheque Numbers 82349 - 82390



Cancelled cheques



EFT Documents 2257 - 2266









Direct Debits



·      Lease Fees



·      Loan Repayments



·      Bank Fees and Charges



·      Credit Cards



Total Direct Debit



Total Accounts Paid





Council Decision Item 11.2

Moved: Cr Harley, Seconded: Cr Loden

That the recommendation be adopted.

Carried Unanimously “En Bloc” (9-0)




11.3        Investment Report as at 30 June 2018

TRIM Ref:                D18/97271

Author:                     Sheryl Teoh, A/Coordinator Financial Services

Authoriser:             Kerryn Batten, Director Corporate Services

Attachments:          1.       Investment Report   


That Council NOTES the provisional Investment Report for the month ended 30 June 2018 as detailed in Attachment 1.


Council Decision Item 11.3

Moved: Cr Harley, Seconded: Cr Loden

That the recommendation be adopted.

Carried Unanimously “En Bloc” (9-0)




11.4        Provisional Financial Statements as at 30 June 2018

TRIM Ref:                  D18/97898

Author:                     Nilesh Makwana, Accounting Officer

Authoriser:                Kerryn Batten, Director Corporate Services

Attachments:             1.       Provisional Financial Statement as at 30 June 2018   


That Council RECEIVES the Provisional Financial Statements for the month ended 30 June 2018 as shown in Attachment 1.


Council Decision Item 11.4

Moved: Cr Harley, Seconded: Cr Loden

That the recommendation be adopted.

Carried Unanimously “En Bloc” (9-0)




13.2        Information Bulletin

TRIM Ref:                  D17/177327

Author:                     Emma Simmons, Governance and Council Support Officer

Authoriser:                Len Kosova, Chief Executive Officer

Attachments:             1.       Minutes from the Arts Advisory Group Meeting held on 7 June 2018  

2.       Minutes of the Tamala Park Regional Council Meeting held on 21 June 2018  

3.       Unconfirmed Minutes of the Urban Mobility Advisory Group held on 28 May 2018  

4.       Monthly Street Tree Removal Information  

5.       Statistics for Development Applications as at end of June 2018  

6.       Register of Legal Action and Prosecutions Register Monthly - Confidential  

7.       Register of State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) Appeals – Progress Report as at 28 June 2018  

8.       Register of Applications Referred to the MetroWest Development Assessment Panel – Current  

9.       Register of Applications Referred to the Design Review Panel – Current  

10.     Register of Petitions - Progress Report - July 2018  

11.     Register of Notices of Motion - Progress Report - July 2018  

12.     Register of Reports to be Actioned - Progress Report - July 2018   


That Council RECEIVES the Information Bulletin dated July 2018.


Council Decision Item 13.2

Moved: Cr Harley, Seconded: Cr Loden

That the recommendation be adopted.

Carried Unanimously “En Bloc” (9-0)




9            Development Services

9.1          No. 2/18 (Lot: 2; STR: 42377) Robinson Avenue, Perth Proposed Change of Use from Residential to Unlisted Use (Short Term Dwelling)

TRIM Ref:                  D18/81766

Author:                     Rana Murad, Senior Urban Planner

Authoriser:                Luke Gibson, A/Director Development Services

Ward:                        South

Attachments:             1.       Attachment 1 - Consultation and Location Map  

2.       Attachment 2 - Proposed Development Plans  

3.       Attachment 3 - Management Plan  

4.       Attachment 4 - Summary of Submissions and Administration's Comments  

5.       Attachment 5 - Summary of Submissions and Applicant's Comments  

6.       Attachment 6 - Parking Management Plan  

7.       Attachment 7 - Determination Advice Notes   



That Council, in accordance with the provisions of the City of Vincent Local planning Scheme No. 2 and the Metropolitan Region Scheme, APPROVES the application for the Change of Use from Dwelling (Grouped) to Unlisted Use (Short Term Dwelling) at No. 2/18 (Lot: 2; STR: 42377) Robinson Avenue, Perth, in accordance with plans provided in Attachment 2, subject to the following condition, with the associated determination advice notes in Attachment 7:

1.       Use of Premises

1.1     The Short Term Dwelling shall accommodate a maximum of six guests at any one time;

1.2     The Short Term Dwelling shall operate in accordance with the Management Plan dated 19 May 2018 and the terms and conditions outlined in the Management Plan shall be provided to guests of the Short Term Dwelling at the time of check-in and displayed in a prominent location within the entrance area of the Short Term Dwelling;

1.3     The Code of Conduct contained in the approved Management Plan shall be provided to guests of the Short Term Dwelling at the time of check-in and displayed in a prominent location within the entrance area of the Short Term Dwelling; and

1.4     The Short Term Dwelling shall operate with a mandatory minimum night stay period of two consecutive nights;

2.       Car Parking

A minimum of two on-site parking bays shall be made available to guests at all times and be maintained to the satisfaction of the City; and

3.       General

Conditions that have a time limitation for compliance, and the condition is not met in the required time frame, the obligation to comply with the requirements of the condition continues whilst the approved development exists.

Moved: Cr Topelberg, Seconded: Cr Fotakis

That the recommendation be adopted.

lost (0-9)

For:             Nil

Against:      Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Fotakis, Cr Hallett, Cr Harley, Cr Loden, Cr Murphy and Cr Topelberg


PROPOSED Alternative motion

Moved: Cr Gontaszewski, Seconded: Cr Fotakis

That Council, in accordance with the provisions of the City of Vincent Local Planning Scheme No. 2 and the Metropolitan Region Scheme, REFUSES the application for a Change of Use from Dwelling (Grouped) to Unlisted Use (Short Term Dwelling) at No. 2/18 (Lot: 2; STR: 42377) Robinson Avenue, Perth, in accordance with the plans provided in Attachment 2 for the following reasons:


1.         The proposed Short Term Dwelling does not comply with the City’s Local Planning Policy No. 7.4.5 – Temporary Accommodation, as the consent of the Council of Owners for the strata has not been given; and


2.         Having due consideration of sub-clauses 67(m) and (n) of Schedule 2 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, the proposed use is not considered compatible with its setting on the basis of the likely noise, parking and traffic impacts associated with the proposal, with those impacts likely to have a detrimental impact on the existing residential amenity of the immediate area.



Proposed Amendment

Moved: Cr Topelberg, Seconded: Cr Murphy

That reason for refusal 2 be deleted.

LOST  (3-6)

For:             Cr Hallett, Cr Murphy and Cr Topelberg

Against:      Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Fotakis, Cr Harley and             Cr Loden


Council Decision Item 9.1

Moved: Cr Gontaszewski, Seconded: Cr Fotakis

That Council, in accordance with the provisions of the City of Vincent Local Planning Scheme No. 2 and the Metropolitan Region Scheme, REFUSES the application for a Change of Use from Dwelling (Grouped) to Unlisted Use (Short Term Dwelling) at No. 2/18 (Lot: 2; STR: 42377) Robinson Avenue, Perth, in accordance with the plans provided in Attachment 2 for the following reasons:


1.         The proposed Short Term Dwelling does not comply with the City’s Local Planning Policy No. 7.4.5 – Temporary Accommodation, as the consent of the Council of Owners for the strata has not been given; and


2.         Having due consideration of sub-clauses 67(m) and (n) of Schedule 2 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, the proposed use is not considered compatible with its setting on the basis of the likely noise, parking and traffic impacts associated with the proposal, with those impacts likely to have a detrimental impact on the existing residential amenity of the immediate area.

carried Unanimously (9-0)

For:             Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Fotakis, Cr Hallett, Cr Harley, Cr Loden, Cr Murphy and Cr Topelberg

Against:      Nil



9.8          Nos. 1-16/17 (Lots: 1-16; STR: 598813) Harwood Place, West Perth - S.31 Reconsideration of Conditions - Change of Use from Multiple Dwellings to Serviced Apartments

TRIM Ref:                  D18/94512

Author:                     Remajee Narroo, Senior Urban Planner

Authoriser:                Luke Gibson, A/Director Development Services

Ward:                        South

Attachments:             1.       Attachment 1 - Consultation and Location Map  

2.       Attachment 2 - Minutes of Council's 14 November 2017 meeting and Development Approval granted by Council on 3 May 2016  

3.       Attachment 3 - Applicant's Submission  

4.       Attachment 4 - Summary of Submissions  

5.       Attachment 5 - Management Plan, Strategy Plan and Complaints Register   



That the Council, in accordance with Section 31 of the State Administrative Tribunal Act 2004, the provisions of the City of Vincent Local Planning Scheme No. 2 and the Metropolitan Region Scheme, APPROVES the application to amend planning approval 5.2017.20.1 for Change of Use from Multiple Dwellings to Serviced Apartments at Nos. 1-16/17 (Lots: 1-16; STR: 598813) Harwood Place, West Perth, granted on 14 November 2017, by deleting all conditions and replacing them with the following:

1.       Maximum Lease Period

Guests are not permitted to stay at the subject Serviced Apartment for a period totalling more than 3 months in any 12 month period;

2.       Management Plan

2.1     Within 28 days the attached Management Plan received by the City on 11 June 2018   shall be amended to include the following to the satisfaction of the City:

2.1.1  A requirement for the contracted security firm to provide security patrols and building walkthroughs of the Apartments, between 10pm and 4am, as follows:

(a)      Once per night, Sunday to Thursday; and

(b)      At 2 hourly intervals, on Friday and Saturday nights, and on a Sunday nights where the following Monday is a public holiday;

2.1.2  A requirement for the CCTV footage of the Serviced Apartments to be monitored at all times by the Manager/staff of the Serviced Apartment’s sister hotel, Attika Hotel, and for it to be available for immediate review 24/7;

2.1.3  The Code of Conduct shall include reference to the balconies fronting the residential properties on Harwood Place;

2.1.4  Information advising that (i) the Apartments have 16 residential car bays located behind a security gate and the two visitor bays directly accessible from Harwood Place are to be used only for drop-off and pick-up only with a maximum of 2 hour parking (ii) Guests are encouraged to use these facilities (iii) no street-parking or verge-parking is permitted along Harwood Place, and the City’s Rangers issue infringements in relation to illegal parking;



2.2     In accordance with the City’s Planning and Building Policy 7.4.5 – Temporary Accommodation:

2.2.1  The amended Management Plan as per Condition 2.1 prepared by the applicant pursuant to clause 2.1.3 of the Policy forms part of this approval;

2.2.2  The attached Servicing Strategy prepared by the applicant pursuant to Clause 2.5.2 of the Policy forms part of this approval;

2.2.3  The amended Management Plan and Servicing Strategy are to be reviewed:

(a)      every 12 months;

(b)      within 30 days of a change of the operator of the Serviced Apartments; and

(c)      within 30 days of the operator of the Services Apartments changing the operations in respect of check-in and check-out;

2.2.4  Any changes identified during a review as set out in clause 2.2.3, are to be incorporated into an updated Management Plan or Servicing Strategy, and approved by the City;

2.2.5  The Serviced Apartments must be operated in accordance with the Management Plan and Servicing Strategy (as amended from time to time) to the satisfaction of the City;

2.2.6  The Code of Conduct outlined in the amended Management Plan required by Condition 2 shall be provided to occupants of the Serviced Apartments at the time of check-in and displayed in a prominent location within each Serviced Apartment; and

2.2.7  A copy of the approved Management Plan is required to be distributed to all owners/occupiers of the residential properties on Harwood Place every six months to account for any change in ownership or tenancy of the surrounding properties;

3.       The Serviced Apartments shall include within the entrance, foyer or lobby of the premises a reception area which shall be attended by staff during scheduled guest check-ins and check‑outs, unless otherwise provided by the Management Plan approved by the City;

4.       Within 28 days of this approval, and thereafter:

4.1     The two visitor car parking bays, directly accessed from Harwood Place and located within the subject site, shall be sign posted detailing a maximum of 2 hour parking and shall be controlled and maintained by the operator of the Serviced Apartments for the purposes of drop-off and pick-up to the satisfaction of the City;

4.2     A sign that provides the contact details of a person responsible for the Serviced Apartments shall be fixed in a location that is within the subject site and is easily visible to the public to the satisfaction of the City;

4.3     A minimum of two Class 1 or 2 and four Class 3 resident bicycle bays and two visitor bicycle bays are to be provided onsite. Bicycle bays must be provided at a location convenient to the entrance, publicly accessible and within the development. The bicycle facilities shall be designed in accordance with AS2890.3; and

4.4     A Signage and Lighting Plan be submitted to, and approved by the City, to ensure the development provides adequate signage and lighting to service the development and does not have an adverse impact on the residential amenity of the area; and

5.       External Fixtures

All external fixtures and building plant, including air conditioning units, piping, ducting and water tanks, shall be located so as to minimise any visual and noise impact on surrounding landowners, and screened from view from the street, and where practicable from adjoining buildings.

Moved: Cr Murphy, Seconded: Cr Gontaszewski

That the recommendation be adopted.


Proposed Amendment 1

Moved: Cr Murphy, Seconded: Cr Gontaszewski

That a new condition 2.1.5 be inserted as follows:


“2.1.5   The accommodation duration is limited to a minimum stay of two nights for all guests of the Serviced Apartments;”

amendment 1 carried (6-3)

For:             Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Hallett, Cr Loden and                Cr Murphy

Against:      Cr Fotakis, Cr Harley and Cr Topelberg


Proposed Amendment 2

Moved: Cr Gontaszewski, Seconded: Cr Murphy

That condition 2.1.2 be amended as follows:

“A requirement for the CCTV footage of the Serviced Apartments to be monitored 7am to 9pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm on Weekends and Public Holidays at all times by the Manager/staff of the Serviced Apartment’s sister hotel, Attika Hotel, and for it to be available for immediate review 24/7;”

amendment 2 carried (7-2)

For:             Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Hallett, Cr Loden, Cr Murphy and Cr Topelberg

Against:      Cr Fotakis and Cr Harley


Proposed Amendment 3

Moved: Cr Gontaszewski, Seconded: Cr Harley

That condition 2.1.5 be amended as follows:

“2.1.5   The accommodation duration is limited to a minimum stay of two three nights for all guests of    the Serviced Apartments;”

amendment 3 carried (6-3)

For:             Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Fotakis, Cr Hallett, Cr Harley and Cr Loden

Against:      Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Murphy and Cr Topelberg



Proposed Amendment 4

Moved: Cr Murphy

That condition 2.1.5 be amended to read as follows:


“2.1.5   The accommodation duration is restricted to a minimum stay of three nights for all guests of the Serviced Apartments, where the stay involves a Friday night, Saturday night or a Sunday night before a public holiday Monday;”




Proposed Amendment 5

Moved: Cr Harley, Seconded: Cr Hallett

That a new Condition 2.1.6 be inserted as follows:


 “2.1.6  Each serviced apartment shall be provided with the option of access to one dedicated and fee-free parking bay;

amendment 5 carried Unanimously (9-0)

For:             Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Fotakis, Cr Hallett, Cr Harley, Cr Loden, Cr Murphy and Cr Topelberg

Against:      Nil


Council Decision Item 9.8

Moved: Cr Murphy, Seconded: Cr Gontaszewski

That the Council, in accordance with Section 31 of the State Administrative Tribunal Act 2004, the provisions of the City of Vincent Local Planning Scheme No. 2 and the Metropolitan Region Scheme, APPROVES the application to amend planning approval 5.2017.20.1 for Change of Use from Multiple Dwellings to Serviced Apartments at Nos. 1-16/17 (Lots: 1-16; STR: 598813) Harwood Place, West Perth, granted on 14 November 2017, by deleting all conditions and replacing them with the following:

1.       Maximum Lease Period

Guests are not permitted to stay at the subject Serviced Apartment for a period totalling more than 3 months in any 12 month period;

2.       Management Plan

2.1     Within 28 days the attached Management Plan received by the City on 11 June 2018   shall be amended to include the following to the satisfaction of the City:

2.1.1  A requirement for the contracted security firm to provide security patrols and building walkthroughs of the Apartments, between 10pm and 4am, as follows:

(a)      Once per night, Sunday to Thursday; and

(b)      At 2 hourly intervals, on Friday and Saturday nights, and on a Sunday nights where the following Monday is a public holiday;


2.1.2  A requirement for the CCTV footage of the Serviced Apartments to be monitored 7am to 9pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm on Weekends and Public Holidays by the Manager/staff of the Serviced Apartment’s sister hotel, Attika Hotel, and for it to be available for immediate review 24/7;

2.1.3  The Code of Conduct shall include reference to the balconies fronting the residential properties on Harwood Place;

2.1.4  Information advising that (i) the Apartments have 16 residential car bays located behind a security gate and the two visitor bays directly accessible from Harwood Place are to be used only for drop-off and pick-up only with a maximum of 2 hour parking (ii) Guests are encouraged to use these facilities (iii) no street-parking or verge-parking is permitted along Harwood Place, and the City’s Rangers issue infringements in relation to illegal parking;

2.1.5  The accommodation duration is limited to a minimum stay of three nights for all guests of the Serviced Apartments;

2.1.6  Each serviced apartment shall be provided with the option of access to one dedicated and fee-free parking bay;

2.2     In accordance with the City’s Planning and Building Policy 7.4.5 – Temporary Accommodation:

2.2.1  The amended Management Plan as per Condition 2.1 prepared by the applicant pursuant to clause 2.1.3 of the Policy forms part of this approval;

2.2.2  The attached Servicing Strategy prepared by the applicant pursuant to Clause 2.5.2 of the Policy forms part of this approval;

2.2.3  The amended Management Plan and Servicing Strategy are to be reviewed:

(a)      every 12 months;

(b)      within 30 days of a change of the operator of the Serviced Apartments; and

(c)      within 30 days of the operator of the Services Apartments changing the operations in respect of check-in and check-out;

2.2.4  Any changes identified during a review as set out in clause 2.2.3, are to be incorporated into an updated Management Plan or Servicing Strategy, and approved by the City;

2.2.5  The Serviced Apartments must be operated in accordance with the Management Plan and Servicing Strategy (as amended from time to time) to the satisfaction of the City;

2.2.6  The Code of Conduct outlined in the amended Management Plan required by Condition 2 shall be provided to occupants of the Serviced Apartments at the time of check-in and displayed in a prominent location within each Serviced Apartment; and

2.2.7  A copy of the approved Management Plan is required to be distributed to all owners/occupiers of the residential properties on Harwood Place every six months to account for any change in ownership or tenancy of the surrounding properties;

3.       The Serviced Apartments shall include within the entrance, foyer or lobby of the premises a reception area which shall be attended by staff during scheduled guest check-ins and check‑outs, unless otherwise provided by the Management Plan approved by the City;


4.       Within 28 days of this approval, and thereafter:

4.1     The two visitor car parking bays, directly accessed from Harwood Place and located within the subject site, shall be sign posted detailing a maximum of 2 hour parking and shall be controlled and maintained by the operator of the Serviced Apartments for the purposes of drop-off and pick-up to the satisfaction of the City;

4.2     A sign that provides the contact details of a person responsible for the Serviced Apartments shall be fixed in a location that is within the subject site and is easily visible to the public to the satisfaction of the City;

4.3     A minimum of two Class 1 or 2 and four Class 3 resident bicycle bays and two visitor bicycle bays are to be provided onsite. Bicycle bays must be provided at a location convenient to the entrance, publicly accessible and within the development. The bicycle facilities shall be designed in accordance with AS2890.3; and

4.4     A Signage and Lighting Plan be submitted to, and approved by the City, to ensure the development provides adequate signage and lighting to service the development and does not have an adverse impact on the residential amenity of the area; and

5.       External Fixtures

All external fixtures and building plant, including air conditioning units, piping, ducting and water tanks, shall be located so as to minimise any visual and noise impact on surrounding landowners, and screened from view from the street, and where practicable from adjoining buildings.

carried Unanimously (9-0)

For:             Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Fotakis, Cr Hallett, Cr Harley, Cr Loden, Cr Murphy and Cr Topelberg

Against:      Nil




13          Chief Executive Officer

13.1        Approval to Advertise Draft Strategic Community Plan 2018 - 2028

TRIM Ref:                  D18/98447

Author:                     Rosslind Ellis, Manager Marketing and Communications

Authoriser:                Len Kosova, Chief Executive Officer

Attachments:             1.       Strategic Community Plan -Text Only  

2.       Imagine Vincent Community Engagement Plan   


That Council:

1.       AUTHORISES the Chief Executive Officer to advertise the Draft Strategic Community Plan as shown in Attachment 1 for public comment for a period of 30 days inviting written submissions.

2.       NOTES that:

2.1     The Mayor and CEO’s columns will be included following endorsement by the Council;

2.2     The document will be developed into a designed document for the public consultation process;

2.3     Notification of the draft launch will be sent to the database of residents who participated in the Imagine Vincent Consultation;

2.4     The video of the Imagine Vincent consultation process will be released via the City’s website and social media channels; and

2.5     The draft Strategic Community Plan document will be made available on the City’s Imagine Vincent consultation website.

Council Decision Item 13.1

Moved: Cr Murphy, Seconded: Cr Gontaszewski

That the recommendation be adopted.

carried Unanimously (9-0)

For:             Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Fotakis, Cr Hallett, Cr Harley, Cr Loden, Cr Murphy and Cr Topelberg

Against:      Nil




9            Development Services

9.3          No. 462 (Lot 2; D/P: 3824) Beaufort Street (corner of Broome Street) Highgate - Proposed Amendment to Condition of Approval - Signage and Paid Car Park to Shop

TRIM Ref:                  D18/84459

Author:                     Kylie Harrison, Senior Urban Planner

Authoriser:                Luke Gibson, A/Director Development Services

Ward:                        South

Attachments:             1.       Attachment 1 - Consultation and Location Map  

2.       Attachment 2 - Previous Planning Approval - 20 December 2011  

3.       Attachment 3 - Revised Landscaping and Car Park Layout Plan  

4.       Attachment 4 - Parking Management Plan   



That Council, in accordance with the provisions of the City of Vincent Local Planning Scheme No. 2 and the Metropolitan Region Scheme, APPROVES the application to amend the approval period for a Paid Car Park at No. 462 (Lot 2; D/P: 3824) Beaufort Street, corner of Broome Street, Highgate for development approval 5.2011.235.1 granted by Council on 20 December 2011, subject to the following conditions:

1.       All other conditions, requirements and advice notes detailed on the development approval 5.2011.235.1 granted on 20 December 2011 included in Attachment 2 continue to apply to this approval, with the exception of the following:

1.1     Condition 3.1 is amended as follows:

“The approval for the fee paying car park is valid for a period of five (5) years only with the approval expiring on 24 July 2023, following which the use shall revert back to a non-fee paying car park.”

1.2     Condition 3.4 is amended as follows:

“The operating hours of the eighteen (18) paid car parking bays are 7:00am to 10:00pm Monday to Thursday and Sunday, and 7:00am to 12:00am (midnight) Friday and Saturday.”

1.3     That the nominated tree species (Robinia pseudoacacia) be replaced with Platanus orientalis (Oriental Plane) and be planted in the three locations as shown on the revised Landscaping and Car Park Layout Plan included as Attachment 3, as well as the proposed weekly hand watering system being implemented to the City’s satisfaction, and shall be maintained thereafter to the satisfaction of the City at the expense of the owners/occupiers.


Council Decision Item 9.3

Moved: Cr Hallett, Seconded: Cr Loden

That the recommendation be adopted.

At 7:26 pm, Cr Roslyn Harley left the meeting.



Proposed Amendment 1

Moved: Cr Hallett, Seconded: Cr Loden

That Recommendation 1.3 be deleted and replaced with the following:


“1.3   Condition 5.2 is amended to read as follows:


A landscaping and reticulation plan for the site detailing the tree species, tree location and proposed watering system shall be lodged with and approved by the City. That plan is to incorporate the provision of three shade trees (being either Eucalyptus victrix or Corymbia eximia). All works shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved landscaping and reticulation plan within 60 days of this decision, and maintained thereafter to the satisfaction of the City at the expense of the owners/occupiers.”


AMENDMENT 1 Carried Unanimously (8-0)

For:             Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Fotakis, Cr Hallett, Cr Loden,  Cr Murphy and Cr Topelberg

Against:      Nil

(Cr Harley was absent from the Council Chamber and did not vote.)


Proposed Amendment 2

Moved: Cr Loden, Seconded: Cr Hallett

That Recommendation 1.3 be amended as follows:


“1.3   Condition 5.2 is amended as follows:


A landscaping and reticulation plan for the site detailing the tree species, tree location and proposed watering system shall be lodged with and approved by the City. That plan is to incorporate the provision of three four shade trees (being either Eucalyptus victrix or Corymbia eximia) with at least one of the trees located in the eastern corner of the site. All works shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved landscaping and reticulation plan within 60 days of this decision, and maintained thereafter to the satisfaction of the City at the expense of the owners/occupiers.”


amendment 2 carried Unanimously (8-0)

For:             Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Fotakis, Cr Hallett, Cr Loden,  Cr Murphy and Cr Topelberg

Against:      Nil

(Cr Harley was absent from the Council Chamber and did not vote.)





Proposed Amendment 3

Moved: Cr Gontaszewski, Seconded: Cr Murphy

That Recommendation 1.1 be amended as follows:


“1.1   Condition 3.1 is amended as follows:


“The approval for the fee paying car park is valid until 20 December 2021 for a period of five (5) years only with the approval expiring on 24 July 2023, following which the use shall revert back to a non-fee paying car park.”

AMENDMENT 3 carried Unanimously (8-0)

For:             Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Fotakis, Cr Hallett, Cr Loden,   Cr Murphy and Cr Topelberg

Against:      Nil

(Cr Harley was absent from the Council Chamber and did not vote.)

Council Decision Item 9.3

That Council, in accordance with the provisions of the City of Vincent Local Planning Scheme No. 2 and the Metropolitan Region Scheme, APPROVES the application to amend the approval period for a Paid Car Park at No. 462 (Lot 2; D/P: 3824) Beaufort Street, corner of Broome Street, Highgate for development approval 5.2011.235.1 granted by Council on 20 December 2011, subject to the following conditions:

1.       All other conditions, requirements and advice notes detailed on the development approval 5.2011.235.1 granted on 20 December 2011 included in Attachment 2 continue to apply to this approval, with the exception of the following:

1.1     Condition 3.1 is amended as follows:

“The approval for the fee paying car park is valid until 20 December 2021, following which the use shall revert back to a non-fee paying car park.”

1.2     Condition 3.4 is amended as follows:

“The operating hours of the eighteen (18) paid car parking bays are 7:00am to 10:00pm Monday to Thursday and Sunday, and 7:00am to 12:00am (midnight) Friday and Saturday.”

1.3     Condition 5.2 is amended as follows:

          A landscaping and reticulation plan for the site detailing the tree species, tree location and proposed watering system shall be lodged with and approved by the City. That plan is to incorporate the provision of four shade trees (being either Eucalyptus victrix or Corymbia eximia) with at least one of the trees located in the eastern corner of the site. All works shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved landscaping and reticulation plan within 60 days of this decision, and maintained thereafter to the satisfaction of the City at the expense of the owners/occupiers.

carried Unanimously (8-0)

For:             Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Fotakis, Cr Hallett, Cr Loden,   Cr Murphy and Cr Topelberg

Against:      Nil

(Cr Harley was absent from the Council Chamber and did not vote.)

9.4          No. 47 (Lot: 502; D/P: 50409) Jugan Street, Mount Hawthorn - Proposed Five Grouped Dwellings

TRIM Ref:                  D18/83209

Author:                     Fiona Atkins, Urban Planner

Authoriser:                Luke Gibson, A/Director Development Services

Ward:                        North

Attachments:             1.       Attachment 1 - Location and Consultation Plan  

2.       Attachment 2 - Development Plans (received 25 June 2018)  

3.       Attachment 3 - Summary of Submissions - Officer Comments  

4.       Attachment 4 - Summary of Submissions - Applicant Comments  

5.       Attachment 5 - Acoustic Report  

6.       Attachment 6 - Determination Advice Notes   



That Council, in accordance with the provisions of the City of Vincent Local Planning Scheme No. 2 and the Metropolitan Region Scheme, APPROVES the application for the proposed Five Grouped Dwellings at No. 47 (Lot: 502; D/P: 50409) Jugan Street, Mount Hawthorn, in accordance with plans provided in Attachment 2, subject to the following conditions, with the associated determination advice notes in Attachment 5:

1.       Boundary Walls

The owners of the subject land shall finish and maintain the surface of the boundary (parapet) wall in a good and clean condition prior to occupation or use of the development. The finish of the wall are to be fully rendered or face brickwork to the satisfaction of the City;

2.       External Fixtures

All external fixtures and building plant, including air conditioning units, piping, ducting and water tanks, shall be located so as to minimise any visual and noise impact on surrounding landowners, and screened from view from the street, and surrounding properties to the satisfaction of the City;

3.       Construction Management Plan

A Construction Management Plan that details how the construction of the development will be managed to minimise the impact on the surrounding area, to the satisfaction of the City, shall be lodged with and approved by the City prior to the commencement of the development. The Construction Management Plan shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the City’s Policy No. 7.5.23 – Construction and include traffic and parking management requirements during construction. Construction on and management of the site shall thereafter comply with the approved Construction Management Plan;

4.       Stormwater

All stormwater produced on the subject land shall be retained on site, by suitable means to the full satisfaction of the City;

5.       Schedule of External Finishes

Prior to the commencement of development, a detailed schedule of external finishes (including materials and colour schemes and details) shall be submitted to and approved by the City. The development shall be finished in accordance with the approved schedule prior to the use or occupation of the development;



6.       Verge Tree

No verge trees shall be removed without prior written approval from the City. The verge trees shall be retained and protected from any damage including unauthorised pruning, to the satisfaction of the City;

7.       Clothes Drying Facility

All external clothes drying areas shall be adequately screened in accordance with State Planning Policy 3.1: Residential Design Codes prior to the use or occupation of the development and shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City;

8.       Landscape and Reticulation Plan

8.1     A detailed landscape and reticulation plan for the development site and adjoining road verge, to the satisfaction of the City, shall be lodged with and approved by the City prior to commencement of the development. The plan shall be drawn to a scale of 1:100 and show the following:

·       The location and type of existing and proposed trees and plants;

·       Areas to be irrigated or reticulated; and

·       The provision of 15 percent of the site area as deep soil zones and 30 percent canopy cover at maturity; and

8.2     All works shown in the plans as identified in condition 8.1 above shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved plans to the City’s satisfaction, prior to occupancy or use of the development and maintained thereafter to the satisfaction of the City at the expense of the owners/occupiers;

9.       Car Parking and Access

9.1     The car parking and access areas shall be sealed, drained, paved and line marked in accordance with the approved plans and are to comply with the requirements of AS2890.1 prior to occupancy or use of the development;

9.2     Vehicle and pedestrian access points are required to match into existing footpath levels; and

9.3     All new crossovers shall be constructed in accordance with the City’s Standard Crossover Specifications;

10.     Acoustic Report

All recommended measures in the Acoustic Report submitted as part of this development application shall be undertaken in accordance with the report to the City’s satisfaction, prior to the occupation or use of the development and maintained thereafter to the satisfaction of the City at the expense of the owners/occupiers; and

11.     General

Conditions that have a time limitation for compliance, and the condition is not met in the required time frame, the obligation to comply with the requirements of the condition continues whilst the approved development exists.







Moved: Cr Gontaszewski, Seconded: Cr Topelberg

That the recommendation be adopted.

At 7:37 pm, Cr Dan Loden left the meeting.

lost (2-5)

For:             Cr Fotakis and Cr Murphy

Against:      Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Hallett and Cr Topelberg

(Cr Harley was absent from the Council Chamber and did not vote.)

(Cr Loden was absent from the Council Chamber and did not vote.)

At 7:38 pm, Cr Dan Loden returned to the meeting.


At 7:40 pm, Cr Roslyn Harley returned to the meeting.

Council Decision Item 9.4

Moved: Cr Gontaszewski, Seconded: Cr Topelberg

That Council, in accordance with the provisions of the City of Vincent Local Planning Scheme No. 2 and the Metropolitan Region Scheme, REFUSES the application for the proposed Five Grouped Dwellings at No. 47 (Lot: 502; D/P: 50409) Jugan Street, Mount Hawthorn, as shown in Attachment 2 for the following reasons:


The proposed application - 


1.             Lacks the provision of visitor’s bays;


2.             Has inadequate space for outdoor living areas; and


3.             Has insufficient provision of stores.

carried (6-3)

For:             Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Fotakis, Cr Hallett, Cr Harley and Cr Topelberg

Against:      Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Loden and Cr Murphy




9.6          No. 440 (Lot: 12-15; STR: 60424) William Street, Perth - Change of Use from Office to Educational Establishment

TRIM Ref:                  D18/95674

Author:                     Andrea Terni, Urban Planner

Authoriser:                Luke Gibson, A/Director Development Services

Ward:                        South

Attachments:             1.       Attachment 1 - Consultation and Location Map  

2.       Attachment 2 - Development Plans  

3.       Attachment 3 - Development Application Supporting Information  

4.       Attachment 4 - Parking Impact Statement and Management Plan  

5.       Attachment 5 - Determination Advice Notes   



That Council, in accordance with the provisions of the City of Vincent Local Planning Scheme No. 2 and the Metropolitan Region Scheme, APPROVES the application for development approval for a Change of Use from Office to Educational Establishment at No. 440 (Lot: 12-15; STR: 60424) William Street, Perth, in accordance with the plans shown in Attachment 2, subject to the following conditions, with the associated determination advice notes in Attachment 5:

1.       Use of Premises

1.1     The area shown as ‘Educational Establishment’ on the approved plans shall be used in accordance with the definition of ‘Educational Establishment’ as defined by the City’s Local Planning Scheme No. 2;

1.2     The maximum number of persons attending the Educational Establishment at any one time shall be limited to 56 persons; and

1.3     The hours of operation for the Educational Establishment shall be limited to the following times:

Monday to Friday – 8:00am to 8:00pm;

2.       Parking Management Plan

A Parking Management Plan setting out the parking management strategies for the development to the satisfaction of the City shall be lodged with and approved by the City prior to the use or occupation of the development. The Parking Management Plan shall detail the measures to be implemented to inform and encourage all students of alternative means of transport to the site including public transport, cycling and walking;

3.       Signage

Any new signage that does not comply with the City’s Policy No. 7.5.2 – Signs and Advertising shall be subject to a separate Development Application and all signage shall be subject to a Building Permit application, being submitted and approved prior to the erection of the signage; and

4.       General

Conditions that have a time limitation for compliance, and the condition is not met in the required time frame, the obligation to comply with the requirements of the condition continues whilst the approved development exists.


Moved: Cr Loden, Seconded: Cr Gontaszewski

That the recommendation be adopted.


Proposed Amendment

Moved: Cr Loden, Seconded: Cr Gontaszewski

That a new Condition 4 be inserted as follows and the remaining Condition be renumbered:


“4.     Prior to occupancy or use of the development a minimum of four additional Class 3 bicycle parking facilities shall be provided in the William Street verge, in a location to the City’s satisfaction. The bicycle facilities shall be designed in accordance with AS2890.3 and all works shall be undertaken to the City’s specification and satisfaction; and”


amendment carried Unanimously (9-0)

For:             Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Fotakis, Cr Hallett, Cr Harley, Cr Loden, Cr Murphy and Cr Topelberg

Against:      Nil


Council Decision Item 9.6

That Council, in accordance with the provisions of the City of Vincent Local Planning Scheme No. 2 and the Metropolitan Region Scheme, APPROVES the application for development approval for a Change of Use from Office to Educational Establishment at No. 440 (Lot: 12-15; STR: 60424) William Street, Perth, in accordance with the plans shown in Attachment 2, subject to the following conditions, with the associated determination advice notes in Attachment 5:

1.       Use of Premises

1.1     The area shown as ‘Educational Establishment’ on the approved plans shall be used in accordance with the definition of ‘Educational Establishment’ as defined by the City’s Local Planning Scheme No. 2;

1.2     The maximum number of persons attending the Educational Establishment at any one time shall be limited to 56 persons; and

1.3     The hours of operation for the Educational Establishment shall be limited to the following times:

Monday to Friday – 8:00am to 8:00pm;

2.       Parking Management Plan

A Parking Management Plan setting out the parking management strategies for the development to the satisfaction of the City shall be lodged with and approved by the City prior to the use or occupation of the development. The Parking Management Plan shall detail the measures to be implemented to inform and encourage all students of alternative means of transport to the site including public transport, cycling and walking;

3.       Signage

Any new signage that does not comply with the City’s Policy No. 7.5.2 – Signs and Advertising shall be subject to a separate Development Application and all signage shall be subject to a Building Permit application, being submitted and approved prior to the erection of the signage;

4.       Prior to occupancy or use of the development a minimum of four additional Class 3 bicycle parking facilities shall be provided in the William Street verge, in a location to the City’s satisfaction. The bicycle facilities shall be designed in accordance with AS2890.3 and all works shall be undertaken to the City’s specification and satisfaction; and

5.       General

Conditions that have a time limitation for compliance, and the condition is not met in the required time frame, the obligation to comply with the requirements of the condition continues whilst the approved development exists.

carried Unanimously (9-0)

For:             Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Fotakis, Cr Hallett, Cr Harley, Cr Loden, Cr Murphy and Cr Topelberg

Against:      Nil




9.11        LATE REPORT: Submission on Modernising WA's Planning System - Planning Reform Green Paper

TRIM Ref:                  D18/83492

Author:                     Jordan Koroveshi, Coordinator Policy & Place

Authoriser:                Luke Gibson, A/Director Development Services

Attachments:             1.       Attachment 1 - Modernising Western Australia's Planning System - Green Paper  

2.       Attachment 2 - City of Vincent Submission on Modernising Western Australia's Planning System   


That Council:

1.       ENDORSES the submission include as Attachment 2 as the City’s response to the State Government’s Modernising Western Australia’s Planning System Green Paper included as Attachment 2 and specifically; and

2.       ADVOCATES to the authors of the Green Paper that any proposed actions that have a direct impact on local governments be further examined, refined and defined in consultation with the local government sector.


Moved: Cr Topelberg, Seconded: Cr Gontaszewski

That the recommendation be adopted


Proposed Amendment

That recommendation 1 is amended to read as follows:


1.       ENDORSES the submission included as Attachment 2 as the City’s response to the State Government’s Modernising Western Australia’s Planning System Green Paper; and

amendment carried Unanimously (9-0)

For:             Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Fotakis, Cr Hallett, Cr Harley, Cr Loden, Cr Murphy and Cr Topelberg

Against:      Nil









Council Decision Item 9.11

Moved: Cr Topelberg, Seconded: Cr Gontaszewski

That Council:

1.       ENDORSES the submission included as Attachment 2 as the City’s response to the State Government’s Modernising Western Australia’s Planning System Green Paper; and

2.       ADVOCATES to the authors of the Green Paper that any proposed actions that have a direct impact on local governments be further examined, refined and defined in consultation with the local government sector.

carried Unanimously (9-0)

For:             Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Fotakis, Cr Hallett, Cr Harley, Cr Loden, Cr Murphy and Cr Topelberg

Against:      Nil




10          Engineering

10.3        Tender No. 551/18 - Maintenance of Bores, Pumps and Associated Works

TRIM Ref:                  D18/74626

Author:                     Jeremy van den Bok, Manager Parks & Urban Green

Authoriser:                Andrew Murphy, Director Engineering

Attachments:             1.       Pricing Schedule and Evaluation - Confidential   


That Council ACCEPTS Tender No. 551/18 from K.S. Black Pty Ltd for Maintenance of Bores, Pumps and Associated Works as per the pricing schedule (Confidential Attachment 1) in the tender submission and general conditions of tendering.


Council Decision Item 10.3

Moved: Cr Loden, Seconded: Cr Gontaszewski

That the recommendation be adopted.

carried Unanimously (9-0)

For:             Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Fotakis, Cr Hallett, Cr Harley, Cr Loden, Cr Murphy and Cr Topelberg

Against:      Nil




10.5        Tender No. 552/18 Traffic Management Services

TRIM Ref:                  D18/94015

Author:                     Allan Brown, Coordinator Engineering Operations

Authoriser:                Andrew Murphy, Director Engineering

Attachments:             1.       Pricing Schedule and Evaluation - Confidential   


That Council ACCEPTS Tender No. 552/18 from Vigilant Traffic Management Group Pty Ltd for the provision of Traffic Management Services as per the pricing schedule (Confidential Attachment 1) in the tender submissions and general conditions of tendering.


Moved: Cr Gontaszewski, Seconded: Cr Loden

That the recommendation be adopted.



Moved: Cr Gontaszewski, Seconded: Cr Topelberg

That the debate be adjourned to the end of the meeting

carried Unanimously (9-0)

For:             Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Fotakis, Cr Hallett, Cr Harley, Cr Loden, Cr Murphy and Cr Topelberg

Against:      Nil




12          Community Engagement

12.1        LATE REPORT: Notice of Motion - CR Susan Gontaszewski – Strategies to Improve Participation and Accessibility by Women and Girls at City of Vincent Sportsgrounds and associated facilities

TRIM Ref:                  D18/42595

Author:                     Karen Balm, A/Manager Community Partnerships

Authoriser:                Michael Quirk, Director Community Engagement

Attachments:             Nil


That Council

1.       RECEIVES Administration’s response to the Notice of Motion dated 22 August 2017 regarding strategies to improve participation and accessibility by women and girls to City of Vincent sportsgrounds and associated facilities;

2.       APPROVES implementation of the following initiatives to improve sports participation by women and girls within the City of Vincent:

2.1     Expand and improve data collection, and subsequent monitoring of participation     trends amongst local sporting clubs and associations, as the basis for future decision       making; 

2.2     Review and amend Council Policy   No. 3.10.11 – Community Funding to provide local sporting clubs with access to funding that supports targeted programs, equipment, training, and policies;

2.3     Deliver targeted club development workshops in partnership with the Department of Local Government, Sport & Cultural Industries to assist local sporting clubs with the implementation of female friendly initiatives;

2.4     Implement a marketing campaign that recognises local sportswomen, coaches, officials and clubs while also providing a platform for consultation with local women and girls regarding current barriers to participation; and  

2.5     Conduct an audit of sportsgrounds and associated facilities to determine the need for           infrastructure improvements to support increased female participation for      consideration within Council’s 2019/20 capital works budget.

3.       NOTES that Administration will investigate a range of initiatives that may further support increased sports participation by women and girls within the City of Vincent:

3.1     Review the effectiveness of Council’s sportsground fees and charges rebates, and identify any other similar mechanisms, as incentives for local sporting clubs and    associations to increase participation rates by women and girls;

3.2     Review existing programs and services at Beatty Park Leisure Centre and Loftus     Recreation Centre to reaffirm and where applicable improve female friendly options;

3.3     Liaise with the Department of Local Government, Sport & Cultural Industries regarding           findings from the recent ‘Come Out and Play’ pilot project to identify strategies that may support increased informal sports participation by women and girls; and

3.4     Specifically investigate opportunities to attract sporting codes with traditionally high        female participation rates to Vincent through those Reserve Master Plans identified within the City’s Corporate Business Plan 2018/19 – 2021/22.

Moved: Cr Gontaszewski, Seconded: Cr Castle

That the recommendation be adopted.


Proposed Amendment

Moved: Cr Gontaszewski, Seconded: Cr Castle

That recommendation 4 be added as follows:

“4      Requests that a report to provide an update on the implementation plan be presented back to Council in February 2019.”


amendment carried Unanimously (9-0)

For:             Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Fotakis, Cr Hallett, Cr Harley, Cr Loden, Cr Murphy and Cr Topelberg

Against:      Nil


Council Decision Item 12.1

Moved: Cr Gontaszewski, Seconded: Cr Castle

That Council

1.       RECEIVES Administration’s response to the Notice of Motion dated 22 August 2017 regarding strategies to improve participation and accessibility by women and girls to City of Vincent sportsgrounds and associated facilities;

2.       APPROVES implementation of the following initiatives to improve sports participation by women and girls within the City of Vincent:

2.1     Expand and improve data collection, and subsequent monitoring of participation     trends amongst local sporting clubs and associations, as the basis for future decision       making; 

2.2     Review and amend Council Policy   No. 3.10.11 – Community Funding to provide local sporting clubs with access to funding that supports targeted programs, equipment, training, and policies;

2.3     Deliver targeted club development workshops in partnership with the Department of Local Government, Sport & Cultural Industries to assist local sporting clubs with the implementation of female friendly initiatives;

2.4     Implement a marketing campaign that recognises local sportswomen, coaches, officials and clubs while also providing a platform for consultation with local women and girls regarding current barriers to participation; and  

2.5     Conduct an audit of sportsgrounds and associated facilities to determine the need for           infrastructure improvements to support increased female participation for      consideration within Council’s 2019/20 capital works budget.

3.       NOTES that Administration will investigate a range of initiatives that may further support increased sports participation by women and girls within the City of Vincent:

3.1     Review the effectiveness of Council’s sportsground fees and charges rebates, and identify any other similar mechanisms, as incentives for local sporting clubs and    associations to increase participation rates by women and girls;

3.2     Review existing programs and services at Beatty Park Leisure Centre and Loftus     Recreation Centre to reaffirm and where applicable improve female friendly options;

3.3     Liaise with the Department of Local Government, Sport & Cultural Industries regarding           findings from the recent ‘Come Out and Play’ pilot project to identify strategies that may support increased informal sports participation by women and girls; and

3.4     Specifically investigate opportunities to attract sporting codes with traditionally high        female participation rates to Vincent through those Reserve Master Plans identified within the City’s Corporate Business Plan 2018/19 – 2021/22; and

4.       Requests that a report to provide an update on the implementation plan be presented back to Council in February 2019.

carried Unanimously (9-0)

For:             Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Fotakis, Cr Hallett, Cr Harley, Cr Loden, Cr Murphy and Cr Topelberg

Against:      Nil





14          Motions of Which Previous Notice Has Been Given

14.1        Notice of Motion - Mayor Emma Cole - Request to Investigate Options to Reinstate the Requirement to Obtain Development Approval for Demolition


That Council REQUESTS Administration to:

1.       Investigate the options available to the City of Vincent to reinstate the requirement to obtain development approval for the demolition of single houses and the removal of significant vegetation, prior to demolition activity and/or tree removal;

2.       Ensure the options for investigation include the incorporation of a provision(s) in the City of Vincent Local Planning Scheme No. 2, Local Planning Policy, and/or any other mechanism available to the City or the State Government; and

3.       Report back to Council on the results of this investigation by November 2018.

At 8:09 pm, Cr Joanne Fotakis left the meeting.


Council Decision Item 14.1

Moved: Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Seconded: Cr Topelberg

That the recommendation be adopted.

At 8:10 pm, Cr Joanne Fotakis returned to the meeting.


carried Unanimously (9-0)

For:             Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Fotakis, Cr Hallett, Cr Harley, Cr Loden, Cr Murphy and Cr Topelberg

Against:      Nil




15          Questions by Members of Which Due Notice Has Been Given (Without Discussion)


16          Representation on Committees and Public Bodies


17          Urgent Business


18          Confidential Items/Matters For Which the Meeting May be Closed   

Council Decision

Moved: Cr Gontaszewski, Seconded: Cr Harley

Pursuant to Section 5.23(2) of the Local Government Act 1995 and clause 2.14 of the City of Vincent Local Law Relating to Standing Orders, proceeds “behind closed doors” to consider Item 10.5.


Carried Unanimously (9-0)





At 8.22pm the meeting went behind closed doors and live streaming was stopped.


PRESENT:                 Mayor Emma Cole                                      Presiding Member

                                 Cr Susan Gontaszewski (Deputy Mayor)    South Ward

                                 Cr Alex Castle                                            North Ward

                                 Cr Joanne Fotakis                                      North Ward

                                 Cr Jonathan Hallett                                    South Ward

                                 Cr Roslyn Harley                                        North Ward

                                 Cr Dan Loden                                             North Ward

                                 Cr Jimmy Murphy                                      South Ward

                                 Cr Joshua Topelberg                                 South Ward

IN ATTENDANCE:     Len Kosova                                                Chief Executive Officer

                                 Luke Gibson                                              A/Director Development Services

                                 Andrew Murphy                                         Director Engineering

                                 Kerryn Batten                                             Director Corporate Services

                                 Michael Quirk                                             Director Community Engagement

                                 Tim Evans                                                  Manager Governance & Risk

                                 Emma Simmons                                        Governance & Council Support Officer



                                 No members of the press or public were present.



10          Engineering


10.5        Tender No. 552/18 Traffic Management Services

TRIM Ref:                  D18/94015

Author:                     Allan Brown, Coordinator Engineering Operations

Authoriser:                Andrew Murphy, Director Engineering

Attachments:             1.       Pricing Schedule and Evaluation - Confidential   


That Council ACCEPTS Tender No. 552/18 from Vigilant Traffic Management Group Pty Ltd for the provision of Traffic Management Services as per the pricing schedule (Confidential Attachment 1) in the tender submissions and general conditions of tendering.


Moved: Cr Gontaszewski, Seconded: Cr Loden

That the recommendation be adopted.

lost (0-8)

For:             Nil

Against:      Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Fotakis, Cr Hallett, Cr Loden, Cr Murphy and Cr Topelberg

(Cr Harley was absent from the Council Chamber and did not vote.)


Council Decision Item 10.5

Moved: Cr Gontaszewski, Seconded: Cr Loden

That Council in accordance with Regulation 18(5) of the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996, DOES NOT ACCEPT any tender submission for Traffic Management Services as per Tender No 552/18 and ADVISES all tenderers of its decision.


carried Unanimously (8-0)

For:             Presiding Member Mayor Cole, Cr Gontaszewski, Cr Castle, Cr Fotakis, Cr Hallett, Cr Loden,   Cr Murphy and Cr Topelberg

Against:      Nil

(Cr Harley was absent from the Council Chamber and did not vote.)



Council formed the view that the tender evaluation criteria included in the Request for Tender did not represent the clearest, most relevant and appropriate measures for evaluating which tender submission would deliver the most advantageous outcome for the City.


Council Decision

Moved: Cr Topelberg, Seconded: Cr Loden

That the Council resume an “open meeting”.

Carried Unanimously (8-0)

(Cr Harley was absent from the Council Chamber and did not vote.)






19          Closure

There being no further business, the Presiding Member, Mayor Emma Cole, declared the meeting closed at 8.42pm with the following persons present:


PRESENT:                 Mayor Emma Cole                                      Presiding Member

                                 Cr Susan Gontaszewski (Deputy Mayor)    South Ward

                                 Cr Alex Castle                                            North Ward

                                 Cr Joanne Fotakis                                      North Ward

                                 Cr Jonathan Hallett                                    South Ward

                                 Cr Dan Loden                                             North Ward

                                 Cr Jimmy Murphy                                      South Ward

                                 Cr Joshua Topelberg                                 South Ward

IN ATTENDANCE:     Len Kosova                                                Chief Executive Officer

                                 Luke Gibson                                              A/Director Development Services

                                 Andrew Murphy                                         Director Engineering

                                 Kerryn Batten                                             Director Corporate Services

                                 Michael Quirk                                             Director Community Engagement

                                 Tim Evans                                                  Manager Governance & Risk

                                 Emma Simmons                                        Governance & Council Support Officer


                                 No members of the press or public were present.



These Minutes were confirmed by the Council as a true and accurate record of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 24 July 2018.




Signed: ............................................................................ Mayor Emma Cole




Dated this ………………………………… day of …………………………………………………2018