Annual General Meeting of Electors


28 January 2020








Annual General Meeting OF ELECTORS Minutes                                            28 January 2020

Table of Contents

1          Declaration of Opening / Acknowledgement of Country. 3

2          Apologies / Members on Leave of Absence. 4

3          Presentation of Annual Report Highlights 4

4          Reports. 4

4.1             2018/19 Annual Report (including 2018/19 Financial Report) 4

5          General Business. 5

5.1             Dudley Maier - Highgate. 5

5.2             Marie Slyth – West perth. 5

5.3             Walter Fryer – West Perth. 6

5.4             Balazs Sztio - Leederville. 6

6          Closure. 7



Annual General Meeting OF ELECTORS Minutes                                            28 January 2020

MINUTES OF City of Vincent
Annual General Meeting Of Electors
HELD AT THE Administration and Civic Centre
244 Vincent Street, Leederville

ON Tuesday, 28 January 2020 AT 6pm


PRESENT:                 Cr Emma Cole                    Presiding Member

(AS ELECTORS)        Cr Susan Gontaszewski      South Ward

                                 Cr Alex Castle                     North Ward

                                 Cr Joanne Fotakis              North Ward

                                 Cr Jonathan Hallett             South Ward

                                 Cr Dan Loden                     North Ward

                                 Cr Sally Smith                    North Ward

                                 Cr Joshua Topelberg          South Ward

                                 Cr Ashley Wallace              South Ward



     David MacLennan               Chief Executive Officer

Andrew Murphy                  Executive Director Infrastructure & Environment

Jordan Koroveshi               A/Manager Policy and Place

Dale Morrissy                     A/Manager Community & Business Services

Meluka Bancroft                 Executive Manager Corporate Strategy & Governance

Sandra Watson                   Manager Customer Service & Library

Debra Costarella                 Council Liaison Officer

Lucy Booth                        Member of the public

Derek Daly                         Member of the public


Media:                       Nil

Electors:                   Jennifer Hopwood                            Leederville

                                 Marie Slyth                                       West Perth

Susan Winter                                   West Perth

Douglas Maier                                  Highgate

Walter Fryer                                     West Perth

Vicki Sorrenson                                West Perth

Janie Lynds                                     West Perth

Hayden Foord                                  West Perth

Balazs Szito                                     Leederville

Tiffany Lee                                       West Perth

Peter Le                                            Highgate


1            Declaration of Opening / Acknowledgement of Country

The Presiding Member, Mayor Emma Cole declared the meeting open at 6.01pm and read the following Acknowledgement of Country statement:


“The City of Vincent would like to acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land, the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging”.


The Presiding Member, Mayor Emma Cole provided the following introduction to the meeting:


“Good evening everyone and welcome to our Annual General Meeting of Electors.


The purpose of this meeting is twofold – firstly, to receive the City’s 2018/19 Annual Report and secondly, to provide electors with an opportunity to raise any general business or motions relating to the City of Vincent.


To speak or vote at this meeting you must be an elector of the City of Vincent. If you are not an elector then you are welcome to remain in the Chamber as an observer to the proceedings.


Every elector present has one vote on each matter to be decided at the meeting, but voting is not compulsory.


All decisions at this meeting are to be made by a simple majority, meaning more than 50% of the votes in favour of the motion. The mover and seconder for all decisions will be recorded in the minutes of meeting, with votes being recorded as simply ‘Carried’ or ‘Lost’ based on a show of hands.  


The procedures for tonight’s meeting have been outlined on page 4 of the agenda papers, which are available online and have also been placed around the Council Chamber.


Speakers at tonight’s meeting will need to come forward to the microphone and please state their name and address and address the meeting through me, the Presiding Member. All speakers are asked to keep their questions and comments respectful and relevant to the business of the City of Vincent.


If you wish to move a motion at tonight’s meeting, then I would ask that you please submit it in writing. Motions will need to be seconded by another elector before they can be debated. A form to submit your Notice of Motion was available online and also here at the meeting tonight.


Please note that decisions made at tonight’s meeting are not binding on Council. Rather, Council will consider tonight’s decisions at its next practicable meeting. Depending on the number and nature of motions this evening, this will be at either the 11 February Council Meeting or the 17 March Council Meeting.”

2            Apologies / Members on Leave of Absence



David MacLennan, Chief Executive Officer, provided a brief outline of the 2018/19 Annual Report.


4            Reports

4.1          2018/19 Annual Report (including 2018/19 Financial Report)

Attachments:             1.       2018/19 Annual Report (including 2018/19 Financial Report)   


That the City of Vincent’s 2018/19 Annual Report be presented to the Annual General Meeting of Electors for discussion.

electors’ Decision Item 4.1

Moved: Cr Gontaszewski, Seconded: Cr Hallett

That the recommendation be adopted.





Annual General Meeting  Of Electors Minutes                                           28 January 2020

5            General Business

5.1          Dudley Maier - Highgate

Mr Maier submitted the following motions: 


Motion 1:

Moved: Dudley Maier , Seconded: Cr Wallace

That the City develop a long term program to provide underground power throughout the City and that program be informed by the approach adopted by the City of Subiaco.


Motion 2:

Moved: Dudley Maier , Seconded: Cr Wallace

That the City review Policy 2.28 – Laneways and Rights of Way, based on experience gained in the last year concerning the naming of laneways. The review should address the criteria used for identifying suitable names; how ‘community support’ is actually measured; how the policy can be made more equitable; and returning final decision making to the Council when it is proposed to name a laneway after an individual.


Motion 3:

Moved: Dudley Maier , Seconded: Cr Topelberg

That in order to ensure that community submissions are given the due respect they deserve, we request that where the community provides submissions on non-planning issues, those complete submissions are attached to any report going to Council with only the redaction of inappropriate or defamatory language, or text which may identify a person who does not wish to be identified; and that the administration’s response is included for every point made.


Motion 4:

Moved: Dudley Maier , Seconded: Marie Slyth

That the agenda for all Council workshops be published on the City’s website and that the workshops be open to the public, subject to the normal provisions regarding confidentiality for person reasons or to protect the City’s commercial interests.


5.2          Marie Slyth – West perth

Ms Slyth submitted the following motions:


Motion 1:

Moved: Marie Slyth , Seconded: Tiffany Lee

That the internal section of Cleaver Precinct is designated as a Character Retention Area.


Motion 2:

Moved: Marie Slyth , Seconded: Susan Winter

That speeding drivers are limited in Colvin Lane through the following mechanisms:


(1)      Raise the height of the two humps already in Colvin Lane

(2)      Put a third hump aligned with the eastern end of No. 87 Carr Street’s garage.

          The garage of No. 85 is not used.

(3)      Put in place a large 8KM sign post beside the fence at corner of Colvin Lane and Strathcona Street (on the right hand side) so is clearly visible to Drivers entering Colvin Lane from Strathcona Street and for cars and other vehicles (which includes Large rubbish bin trucks and large tow away trucks) a much larger 8KM sign facing the lane for those going down the lane into Strathcona Street.

          Additionally, a large sign is needed to remind all vehicles that they have three other entry and exit points from which to access and depart WestOne, namely two entry points in Newcastle Street and one off Charles Street into Prospect Place into West One, as well as a second laneway off Strathcona Street.


5.3          Walter Fryer – West Perth

Mr Fryer submitted the following motion:


Moved: Walter Fryer , Seconded: Jane Lynds


That the City cancel its proposed project to upgrade the bike lane on Florence and Carr Streets.



In accordance with section 5.33 of the Local Government Act 1995, these motions will be considered by Council at the next practical Ordinary Meeting of Council, which will be either the 11 February 2020 Council Meeting or the 17 March 2020 Council Meeting.


5.4          Balazs Sztio - Leederville

Mr Szito raised the following questions in respect to the Shakespeare Street bicycle boulevard, and submitted a copy of the questions in writing:


1.         In respect to the safety of the design of the Shakespeare Street bicycle boulevard, notes that traffic management forces cars into different lanes, but sometimes these points where the cars move across the road can not be seen, which means some cars drive across the kerbs or into the plantings. Perhaps plantings can be increased to clearly indicate to drivers that there is an obstacle, or reflective markers on the kerbs can be installed,

2.         Requests access to the road safety audit report, and requests that the Active Transport Officer reviews this report;

3.         Requests that a post completion assessment is undertaken, to determine if bicycle numbers have changed (states that numbers appear to have decreased, perhaps due to the Oxford Street bicycle lane).

4.         Notes that after all the civil works were completed the canopy of trees were severely pruned in a vertical fashion above the kerb line. What was the reasoning behind this?


The Presiding Member Mayor Emma Cole thanked Mr Szito for his comments and confirmed that Administration would provide responses directly and would meet with Mr Szito if required.


6            Closure

There being no further business, the Presiding Member, Mayor Emma Cole, declared the meeting closed at 7.18pm with the following persons present:


PRESENT:                 Cr Emma Cole                    Presiding Member

(AS ELECTORS)        Cr Susan Gontaszewski      South Ward

                                 Cr Alex Castle                     North Ward

                                 Cr Joanne Fotakis              North Ward

                                 Cr Jonathan Hallett             South Ward

                                 Cr Dan Loden                     North Ward

                                 Cr Sally Smith                    North Ward

                                 Cr Joshua Topelberg          South Ward

                                 Cr Ashley Wallace              South Ward



David MacLennan               Chief Executive Officer

Andrew Murphy                  Executive Director Infrastructure & Environment

Jordan Koroveshi               A/Manager Policy and Place

Dale Morrissy                     A/Manager Community & Business Services

Meluka Bancroft                 Executive Manager Corporate Strategy & Governance

Sandra Watson                   Manager Customer Service & Library

Debra Costarella                 Council Liaison Officer

Lucy Booth                        Member of the public

Derek Daly                         Member of the public


Media:                       Nil

Electors:                   Jennifer Hopwood                                          Leederville

Marie Slyth                                            West Perth

Susan Winter                                        West Perth

Douglas Maier                                       Highgate

Walter Fryer                                          West Perth

Vicki Sorrenson                                    West Perth

Janie Lynds                                          West Perth

Hayden Foord                                       West Perth

Balazs Szito                                          Leederville

Tiffany Lee                                            West Perth

Peter Le                                                Highgate



These Minutes were confirmed by the Council as a true and accurate record of the Annual General Meeting of Electors held on 28 January 2020.




Signed: ............................................................................ Mayor Emma Cole




Dated this ………………………………… day of …………………………………………………2020